Help Somebody Today

Approximately 1 in 2 people will experience a mental challenge in their lifetime, and it often appears unexpectedly. When someone does find the courage to reach out for help, we must make sure we can support them promptly.

Your generous gift today will play a crucial role in enabling Warren Blackwood Mental Health to continue providing vital FREE services for all individuals in this region.


All donations over $2 are tax deductible

Did you know that farmers are more likely to have depression and anxiety than other people?

More than 1 in every 2 farmers thinks that mental health is a problem in their local community.

After losing her Mum, Angela found it hard to leave her bedroom.

Damien uses cigarettes, vaping, alcohol and other drugs to cope.

Anthony felt lost and alone after handing-over the farm to his children.

People, like you, are facing mental health challenges

They often try to hide it - even from themselves, masking their struggles behind forced smiles and reassuring words to avoid confronting the difficult reality of their mental health challenges.

It's isolating and overwhelming.


All donations over $2 are tax deductible

How your gift will help

Your gift will help people get the expert support they need, right away.

Your donation to Warren Blackwood Mental Health Services now will help local people:

Access immediate, confidential, and cost-free therapy services

Connect within groups or their network to get support

Make contact with a local, trained professional a lot easier

Please help somebody facing mental health challenges